Brief description
Examination of two state-wide marine recreational fisheries (MRF) surveys, conducted throughout Western Australia and New South Wales. The analysis (i) compares state-based approaches for data collection in WA and NSW, (ii) estimates (with associated uncertainty) catch occurring state-wide for nine species of interest to AFMA and (iii) estimates (with associated uncertainty) fishing effort and catch (all species) occurring within two AMP: Ningaloo Marine Park (NMP) in WA and the Hunter Marine Park (HMP) in NSW. This record describes the context of the study and methodology. Aggregated recreational fisheries raw data cannot currently be published due to access constraints. Contact the Point of Contact listed in this record for more information.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededNotes
CreditTim Lynch (CSIRO), Carlie Devine (CSIRO), Alan Jordan (NSW DPI), Jeff Murphy (NSW DPI), Joel Williams (NSW DPI), Faith Ochwada-Doyle (NSW DPI), Claire Smallwood (WA DPI), Jeremy Lyle (IMAS)
National Environmental Science Program (NESP) Marine Biodiversity Hub
Created: 08 2019
Data time period: 2015-01-01 to 2016-12-31
text: westlimit=152.20; southlimit=-32.70; eastlimit=153.70; northlimit=-31.900000000000002
text: westlimit=113.50; southlimit=-23.50; eastlimit=114.20; northlimit=-21.60
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(DATA ACCESS - some data synthesised in Part A of report [PDF])
global : 671210cc-715d-437a-9518-48e910e65d4b
- global : 09df3cc3-6d91-4b87-a3b7-cca7a288ff6f