Full description
This research determines to assess the benefits (economic and environmental) of a green manure phase under current cropping systems in areas with a poor nutritional status.To evaluate crop types and incorporation techniques to rejuvenate poor performing soils using a green manure phase, as well as to identify and evaluate the potential longevity of benefits on a heavy loam soil in Mullewa, Western Australia over five years.
Created: 1998 to 2002
Issued: 27 04 2021
Data time period: 1998 to 2002
Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences |
Crop and Pasture Production |
Canola |
Cereal (Grain) |
Crop Type |
Field peas |
Grain Legume |
Hay |
Mustard |
Oats |
Oilseed |
Vetch |
Wheat |
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