
Commonwealth Fisheries 2006

Australian Ocean Data Network
Geoscience Australia
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= Fisheries 2006&rft.identifier= Fisheries 2006 is a digital representation of the limits of all Commonwealth Fisheries around Australia and its External Territories (except for the Australian Antarctic Territory), as set out in the Fisheries Management Regulations 1992 and/or relevant Management Plans administered by the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA). In the event of a discrepancy between the digital data and the Management Regulations or Management Plans, the Management Regulations or Management Plans take precedence. Free download available.Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededStatement: Descriptions of Commonwealth Fisheries boundaries, found in the Fisheries Management Regulations 1992 and/or relevant Management Plans, were interpreted and digitised into a Geographic Information System (GIS), and subsequently attributed. Where national maritime limits formed part of these boundaries, current AMB V2.0 data was directly extracted and appended into the coverages. Where fisheries included coastline or low water information, GEODATA Coast 100K coastline data was used as it provided a nationally consistent dataset; was of the right level of detail for the project (eg closed river mouths); and, resulted in a manageable file size for distribution. Any intersections between boundary lines were rigorously calculated using specialised geodetic software. In the event of a discrepancy between the digital data and the Management Regulations or Management Plans, the Management Regulations or Management Plans take precedence.&rft.creator=Geoscience Australia &; southlimit=-60.0; eastlimit=-140.0; northlimit=-55.0&rft.coverage=westlimit=-50.0; southlimit=-60.0; eastlimit=-140.0; northlimit=-55.0&rft_rights=&rft_rights=Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence&rft_rights=CC-BY&rft_rights=4.0&rft_rights= Government Security ClassificationSystem&rft_rights= Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence SCIENCES&rft_subject=GIS Dataset Thematic&rft_subject=administrative boundaries&rft_subject=marine jurisdiction&rft_subject=dataset&rft_subject=marine&rft_subject=AU&rft_subject=Published_External&rft_subject=HVC_144653&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence




Australian Government Security ClassificationSystem




Brief description

Commonwealth Fisheries 2006 is a digital representation of the limits of all Commonwealth Fisheries around Australia and its External Territories (except for the Australian Antarctic Territory), as set out in the Fisheries Management Regulations 1992 and/or relevant Management Plans administered by the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA). In the event of a discrepancy between the digital data and the Management Regulations or Management Plans, the Management Regulations or Management Plans take precedence. Free download available.


Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded
Statement: Descriptions of Commonwealth Fisheries boundaries, found in the Fisheries Management Regulations 1992 and/or relevant Management Plans, were interpreted and digitised into a Geographic Information System (GIS), and subsequently attributed. Where national maritime limits formed part of these boundaries, current AMB V2.0 data was directly extracted and appended into the coverages. Where fisheries included coastline or low water information, GEODATA Coast 100K coastline data was used as it provided a nationally consistent dataset; was of the right level of detail for the project (eg closed river mouths); and, resulted in a manageable file size for distribution. Any intersections between boundary lines were rigorously calculated using specialised geodetic software. In the event of a discrepancy between the digital data and the Management Regulations or Management Plans, the Management Regulations or Management Plans take precedence.

Issued: 2006

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-140,-55 -140,-60 -50,-60 -50,-55 -140,-55


text: westlimit=-50.0; southlimit=-60.0; eastlimit=-140.0; northlimit=-55.0


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