
Combining Time Bands and Teleo-Reactive Programs for Advanced Dependable Real-Time Systems [ 2009-01-01 - 2012-10-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Emeritus Professor Ian Hayes (Chief Investigator) ,  Cliff Jones (Partner Investigator) ,  Prof Alan Burns (Partner Investigator) ,  Prof Keith Clark (Partner Investigator)

Brief description Combining Time Bands and Teleo-Reactive Programs for Advanced Dependable Real-Time Systems. Society is becoming increasingly reliant on sophisticated real-time computer systems in applications ranging from car stability control to critical infrastructure, such as railway signalling systems. Further, there is a demand for ever greater automation and sophistication in the software controlling these systems. The research challenge in this project is to provide robust implementations of these systems in a way that allows one assess their dependability.\r\n\r\nAustralia industry is actively working in these areas through companies like Ansaldo Australia, in automated railway systems, and Boeing Australia, in the defence sector.

Funding Amount $290,000

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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