Brief description
Description: This data set is a collection of chemical and physical parameters determined for sediment samples collected from the marine benthic environment in the vicinity of Casey station over the period 1997 to 2015. Most of the chemical parameters can be characterised as anthropogenic contaminants of the sediment. It includes samples collected from impacted (contaminated) and control (pristine) locations around Casey during several field seasons prior to and after the remediation or cleanup of the abandoned Thala Valley waste disposal ('tip') site at Casey in 2003-04. This data set is described and discussed in Stark et al. (2023) (see below). The chemical and physical parameters are: (1) 1 M hydrochloric acid-extractable metals measured by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry or atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-MS and ICP-AES). (2) Petroleum hydrocarbon fractions F1-F4 measured by gas chromatography - flame ionization detection (GC-FID). (3) Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) – polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) – analysed by gas chromatography - electron capture detection / mass spectrometry (GC-ECD, GC-MS), respectively. (4) Total organic matter (TOM) determined by loss on ignition at 550 degrees Celsius or total organic carbon (TOC) analyser. (5) Grain size distribution: laser diffraction particle size data presented as % volume distribution in 10 Wentworth (1922) size categories, from clay to very coarse sand. Additional grain size statistics are included. (6) Water-extractable nutrients by flow injection analysis (FIA). The majority of the data (subsets 1-5) were obtained for the near-surface sections (typically 0-5 cm) of sediment cores collected by SCUBA divers or (for 1996-97 samples) from the sediment surface using a grab sampler. Nutrients data (subset 6 ) were obtained for a subsample of the surface section (0-1 cm) of each of 74 marine sediment cores collected during the 2014-15 field season. Sample locations include: * Brown Bay (BB) – inner, mid and outer sites (the bay directly adjacent to Thala Valley) * Casey Wharf * McGrady Cove control site * O'Brien Bay (OB) – OB1, OB2, OB3 control sites * Shannon Bay (location of station wastewater outfall) * Wilkes (adjacent to abandoned station) Details of analytical methods and information concerning analytical quality (method reporting limits, accuracy and precision of data) are available in Stark et al. (2023). Data subsets (1) to (6) are grouped within the spreadsheet: Casey_marine_sediment_contaminants_1997-2015_Metadata.xlsx This is a compilation of data sets that are (mostly) available in separate Metadata files pertaining to specific projects, including: • 4180 Thala Valley Long-term monitoring (AAS_4180_TV-LTM1415_SedimentChemistry) • Casey TPH and POPs 1997-2007 (To be submitted July 2023) • Brown Bay Grid (BBG) and others (ref???)Lineage
Progress Code: completedNotes
PurposeThis data set is a compilation of chemical and physical data acquired over the period 1997 to 2015 during the course of research projects undertaken by AAD scientists from the Human Impacts program (and it’s different variations) investigating anthropogenic contamination of the marine benthic environment in the vicinity of Casey station. The environmental chemistry data are complementary to biodiversity surveys of the benthic ecosystems carried out in the same field campaigns. Earlier data (1997-99) were measured as part of the investigation into the impacts of anthropogenic contaminants derived principally from the abandoned waste disposal (‘tip’) site at Thala Valley, near the station. Later data (2005-15) were measured as part of research investigating the effect on the nearby marine environment of remediating Thala Valley in 2003-04. Therefore the data set comprises data on marine sediment contamination ‘before’ and ‘after’ remediation or cleanup of the primary contamination source.
Data time period: 1997-01-01 to 2015-02-19
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