
Characterisation of Abnormal Placental Stem Cells in a Human Pregnancy Disorder [ 2008 - 2010 ]

Also known as: Stem Cells in a Human Pregnancy Disorder

Research Grant

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Researchers: Dr Bill Kalionis (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Neil Gude Prof Shaun Brennecke

Brief description The placenta is a rich source of stem cells. We have discovered that stem cells from placentae affected by fetal growth restriction (FGR), a clinically significant pregnancy disorder, are morphologically and functionally different to normal placental stem cells. We predict that abnormal stem cells contribute to FGR. We will carry out gene expression and functional studies to further characterise the abnormal stem cells. The work may lead to new types of treatments for FGR in future.

Funding Amount $AUD 487,969.88

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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