Brief description
Changes in seagrass coverage in Cockburn Sound from 1967 to 1999 were assessed from aerial photographs using modern mapping methods with the aim of accurately determining the magnitude of change in hectares of seagrasses between 1967 and 1999.Full description
Cockburn Sound - Water quality (1967 - 1999) -text: Projection: UTM50 Datum: GDA94
text: true
63 605002 |
63 617002 |
63 617003 |
63 617008 |
63 618001 |
63 618004 |
63 618005 |
63 619004 |
Amphibolis antarctica |
Amphibolis griffithii |
Aquatic Habitat |
Benthic Habitat |
Biosphere |
Halophila ovalis |
Heterozostera tasmanica |
Marine Biology |
Marine Plants |
Oceans |
Posidonia australis |
Posidonia coriacea |
Posidonia sinuosa |
Radiance Or Imagery |
Syringodium isoetifolium |
Visible Imagery |
Visible Wavelengths |
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