
Centre for Population Health Research on Electromagnetic Energy [ 2013 - 2018 ]

Also known as: Effects of mobile phones and MRI on population health

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Michael Abramson (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Roel Vermeulen Dr Geza Benke Prof Malcolm Sim Prof Peter Wiedemann
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Brief description This CRE brings together leading population health researchers to investigate the health effects of mobile phones and magnetic resonance imaging. It will address high priority research questions identified by the WHO. It will generate new knowledge that leads to improved health outcomes through a 5 year research program. The outcomes will be translated into health policy and practice through international and national organisations. The CRE will train PhDs and postdoctoral research fellows.

Funding Amount $AUD 2,658,622.51

Funding Scheme Centres of Research Excellence

Notes Centre of Research Excellence - Population Health

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