
CAWCR Wave Hindcast 1979-2010

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Durrant, Thomas ; Hemer, Mark ; Trenham, Claire ; Greenslade, Diana
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= Wave Hindcast 1979-2010&rft.identifier= Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation&rft.description=Ocean wave hindcast, using the WaveWatch III v4.08 wave model forced with NCEP CFSR hourly winds and daily sea ice, 1979-2010.\n\nThe dataset contains spectral wave output at 3683 points, as well as gridded outputs on a global 0.4 degree (24 arcminute) grid, with nested Australian and western Pacific subgrids of 10 and 4 arcminutes resolution. For further information, see Durrant et al (in prep)**.\n\nN.B. January 1979 is a model spin-up month and data from this month should not be used for research purposes.\n\nSpectral wave parameters output:\ntime; station; longitude; latitude;\nfrequency; frequency1; frequency2 (centre, upper and lower bands);\ndirection;\nEfth (sea surface wave directional variance spectral density);\ndepth;\nu10m; udir (wind speed and direction 10m above surface);\ncurr; currdir (sea water speed and direction).\n\nGridded parameters output:\nlongitude; latitude; time;\nMAPSTA (status map) ;\nU10; V10 (Eastward and Northward wind);\nCI (sea ice area fraction) ;\nhs (significant wave height);\nwl (mean wave length) ;\nt02 (mean wave period Tm02); t (mean period Tm01); tm0m1(mean period Tm0-1);\nCgE (wave energy flux);\nfp (peak wave frequency);\ndir (mean wave direction); spr (directional spread); dp (peak direction);\nhs0; hs1; hs2; hs3 (significant wave height partitions);\ntp0; tp1; tp2; tp3 (peak period partitions);\nlp0; lp1; lp2; lp3 (mean wave length partitions);\nth0; th1; th2; th3 (mean wave direction partitions);\nsi0; si1; si2; si3 (directional spread partitions);\nws0; ws1; ws2; ws3 (wind sea fraction partitions); wsf (wind sea fraction);\npnr (number of wave partitions);\ndtd (dynamic time step);\nuust; vust (eastward, northward friction velocities);\ncha (Charnock coefficient);\nfaw (wind to wave energy flux);\nutaw; vtaw (eastward, northward wave supported wind stress);\nutwa; vtwa (eastward, northward wave to wind stress);\nwcc (whitecap coverage);\nSxx; Syy; Sxy (radiation stress components);\nutwo; vtwo (eastward, northward wave to ocean stress);\nuuss; vuss (eastward, northward surface stokes drift).\n\nPlease note that the user is required to acknowledge the source of the data on the following terms: 'Source: Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO © 2013'. Apart from dealings under the Copyright Act 1968, the licensee shall not reproduce (electronically or otherwise), modify or supply (by sale or otherwise) this data without written permission. Please contact us for more information.\nLineage: The hindcast was performed using the WAVEWATCH III(TM) model version 4.08. The model was run on a 0.4 x 0.4° global grid with a series of nested grids of 10 arcminutes (~18km) down to 4 arcminutes (~7km) in the Western Pacific and Australian regions. Wave spectra were discretised over 29 frequencies exponentially spaced from 0.038 Hz to 0.5 Hz and 24 directions with a constant 15° directional resolution. All grids were forced with Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) surface winds at 0.3° spatial and hourly temporal resolution. Hourly sea ice concentrations from the CFSR data set were also used to define the ice edge.\nData output in NetCDF4 format.\n\nCAWCR Wave Hindcast pre-June 2013 ERRATA\nIssued 21/09/2020.\nWave data pre-June 2013 was created with an early release of WAVEWATCHIII (v4.08).\nNote that pre-June 2013 variable 't' should not be used.\nPre-June 2013, Variable ‘t’, named mean wave period using the first spectral moment is a duplicate of variable ‘tm0m1’ mean wave period using the first inverse spectral moment.\nPost-June 2013 (inclusive), Variables ‘t01’ represent mean wave period using the first spectral moment, and ‘t0m1’ represents mean wave period using the first inverse spectral moment with no issues.\nSeveral other variable names changes took place during the upgrade.&rft.creator=Durrant, Thomas &rft.creator=Hemer, Mark &rft.creator=Trenham, Claire &rft.creator=Greenslade, Diana &; southlimit=-78.0; eastlimit=-0.3999939; northlimit=78.0; projection=WGS84&rft_rights=Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence to the data is restricted&rft_rights=All Rights (including copyright) Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO 2013.&rft_subject=wave&rft_subject=waves&rft_subject=hindcast&rft_subject=modelling&rft_subject=wave model&rft_subject=Physical Oceanography&rft_subject=EARTH SCIENCES&rft_subject=OCEANOGRAPHY&rft_subject=Atmospheric Sciences not elsewhere classified&rft_subject=ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES&rft_subject=Natural Hazards&rft_subject=PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENTAL GEOSCIENCE&rft_subject=Climatology (excl. Climate Change Processes)&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence

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All Rights (including copyright) Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO 2013.


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Brief description

Ocean wave hindcast, using the WaveWatch III v4.08 wave model forced with NCEP CFSR hourly winds and daily sea ice, 1979-2010.

The dataset contains spectral wave output at 3683 points, as well as gridded outputs on a global 0.4 degree (24 arcminute) grid, with nested Australian and western Pacific subgrids of 10 and 4 arcminutes resolution. For further information, see Durrant et al (in prep)**.

N.B. January 1979 is a "model spin-up" month and data from this month should not be used for research purposes.

Spectral wave parameters output:
time; station; longitude; latitude;
frequency; frequency1; frequency2 (centre, upper and lower bands);
Efth (sea surface wave directional variance spectral density);
u10m; udir (wind speed and direction 10m above surface);
curr; currdir (sea water speed and direction).

Gridded parameters output:
longitude; latitude; time;
MAPSTA (status map) ;
U10; V10 (Eastward and Northward wind);
CI (sea ice area fraction) ;
hs (significant wave height);
wl (mean wave length) ;
t02 (mean wave period Tm02); t (mean period Tm01); tm0m1(mean period Tm0-1);
CgE (wave energy flux);
fp (peak wave frequency);
dir (mean wave direction); spr (directional spread); dp (peak direction);
hs0; hs1; hs2; hs3 (significant wave height partitions);
tp0; tp1; tp2; tp3 (peak period partitions);
lp0; lp1; lp2; lp3 (mean wave length partitions);
th0; th1; th2; th3 (mean wave direction partitions);
si0; si1; si2; si3 (directional spread partitions);
ws0; ws1; ws2; ws3 (wind sea fraction partitions); wsf (wind sea fraction);
pnr (number of wave partitions);
dtd (dynamic time step);
uust; vust (eastward, northward friction velocities);
cha (Charnock coefficient);
faw (wind to wave energy flux);
utaw; vtaw (eastward, northward wave supported wind stress);
utwa; vtwa (eastward, northward wave to wind stress);
wcc (whitecap coverage);
Sxx; Syy; Sxy (radiation stress components);
utwo; vtwo (eastward, northward wave to ocean stress);
uuss; vuss (eastward, northward surface stokes drift).

Please note that the user is required to acknowledge the source of the data on the following terms: 'Source: Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO © 2013'. Apart from dealings under the Copyright Act 1968, the licensee shall not reproduce (electronically or otherwise), modify or supply (by sale or otherwise) this data without written permission. Please contact us for more information.
Lineage: The hindcast was performed using the WAVEWATCH III(TM) model version 4.08. The model was run on a 0.4 x 0.4° global grid with a series of nested grids of 10 arcminutes (~18km) down to 4 arcminutes (~7km) in the Western Pacific and Australian regions. Wave spectra were discretised over 29 frequencies exponentially spaced from 0.038 Hz to 0.5 Hz and 24 directions with a constant 15° directional resolution. All grids were forced with Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) surface winds at 0.3° spatial and hourly temporal resolution. Hourly sea ice concentrations from the CFSR data set were also used to define the ice edge.
Data output in NetCDF4 format.

CAWCR Wave Hindcast pre-June 2013 ERRATA
Issued 21/09/2020.
Wave data pre-June 2013 was created with an early release of WAVEWATCHIII (v4.08).
Note that pre-June 2013 variable 't' should not be used.
Pre-June 2013, Variable ‘t’, named mean wave period using the first spectral moment is a duplicate of variable ‘tm0m1’ mean wave period using the first inverse spectral moment.
Post-June 2013 (inclusive), Variables ‘t01’ represent mean wave period using the first spectral moment, and ‘t0m1’ represents mean wave period using the first inverse spectral moment with no issues.
Several other variable names changes took place during the upgrade.

Available: 2020-09-22

Data time period: 1979-01-01 to 2010-12-31

This dataset is part of a larger collection

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-0.39999,78 -0.39999,-78 0,-78 0,78 -0.39999,78


  • Local : 102.100.100/13165