Full description
This dataset contains high-speed videos, time-resolved pressure measurements and auxiliary data of 247 isolated single cavitation bubbles produced in variable gravity (0g, 1g, 1.6-2g) aboard the Airbus 300 zero-g on the 53rd ESA parabolic flight campaign in October 2010. The five files contain 247 subdirectories, each of which holds the available data of exactly one cavitation bubble. The experimental setup and data structure are explained in a peer-reviewed publication in Experiments In Fluids (2013, 54:1503, DOI 10.1007/s00348-013-1503-9), titled "The quest for the most spherical bubble: experimental setup and data overview". Most of the data shown in that paper relied on these 247 cavitation bubbles, but many more cavitation bubbles have been recorded using additional sensors (e.g. spectrometer) in later experiments on parabolic flights.Notes
External OrganisationsSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
Associated Persons
Marc Tinguely (Creator); Nicolas Dorsaz (Creator); Philippe Kobel (Creator); Aurele de Bosset (Creator); Mohamed Farhat (Creator)
Marc Tinguely (Creator); Nicolas Dorsaz (Creator); Philippe Kobel (Creator); Aurele de Bosset (Creator); Mohamed Farhat (Creator)
Issued: 2021
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- DOI : 10.5281/ZENODO.5733740
- global : 806ccc04-86f3-4499-b5e1-31cdc96e2628