Brief description
Scanned laboratory notebook. - Notebook owner: Jane Wasley - Project: Jane Wasely PhD (ASAC 1087: The influence of water and nutrient availability on bryophyte communities in continental Antarctica) - Notebook type: Laboratory (A4 Hardcover) Location/s: - Casey 1999/2000 season - Wollongong 2000 - Vienna 2000 Date range: 27/11/1999 to 10/09/2000 The notebook is scanned as four files: - JWasley-LabBook-Casey 1999-2000_P1-39.pdf - JWasley-LabBook-Casey 1999-2000_P40-89.pdf - JWasley-LabBook-Casey 1999-2000_P90-143.pdf - JWasley-LabBook-Casey 1999-2000_P144-275.pdf Plus three files that were looose pages with the notebook: - JWasley-LabBook-Casey 1999-2000_loose pages-sugar mass.pdf - JWasley-LabBook-Casey 1999-2000_loose pages-Sabine emails.pdf - JWasley-LabBook-Casey 1999-2000_loose pages-phosphorous methods.pdf Some pages were blank and not scanned: - 66-69 - 122-127 - 167 - 214-259 - 262-263 - 276-277 Some pages had notes that were not data, and were not scanned: - 168-173 notes about ASAC proposal - 260-261 location of samples in freezers [at Casey?], dated 3/6/2000 - 264-269 RTA inventory for equipment returning from Casey on V6 1999/2000, dated 15/03/2000 - 278-279 RTA inventory for equipment returning from Casey on V5 1999/2000, dated 02/02/2000 - 280-284 misc notesIssued: 2016-01-04
Data time period: 1999-11-27 to 2000-09-10
text: northlimit=-66; southlimit=-67; westlimit=110; eastLimit=111; projection=WGS84
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