
Caseload midwifery for women at low risk of medical complications: a randomised controlled trial [ 2007 - 2011 ]

Also known as: One-on-one midwifery care for women at low risk of medical complications: a randomised controlled trial

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Helen Mclachlan (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Mary-Ann Davey Ms Tanya Farrell Prof Della Forster Prof Jeremy Oats
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Brief description In June 2004, the Victorian Department of Human Services released a policy document Future directions for Victoria's maternity services. The document endorsed the expansion of public models of maternity care that offer 'one on one' midwifery care (caseload). This model has had limited evaluation with safety and efficacy largely unknown. Research conducted in the UK and in Australia has largely measured the effect of teams of care providers (commonly 6-12 midwives) with only two in the UK testing caseload care. Studies of continuity of midwifery teams have reported reduced caesareans and other interventions in labour. They have also found increased satisfaction, with no statistically significant differences in health outcomes for babies. Women who are identified at low medical risk will be recruited from the antenatal clinic of a large, tertiary, public maternity hospital. Women will be randomly allocated to caseload midwifery or standard low risk care. Those allocated to caseload will receive pregnancy, birth and postnatal care from a primary midwife with one or two pregnancy visits to be conducted by a 'back-up' midwife. The midwife will collaborate with obstetricians and other health professionals as necessary. This will be the first RCT of caseload midwifery care in Australia and only the third one conducted anywhere. It is a unique opportunity to provide a rigorous evaluation of a model that is beginning to be implemented widely in Australia. The trial will provide much needed information regarding the outcomes of caseload midwifery including interventions in childbirth, safety, costs, women's satisfaction with care and impact on the midwifery workforce. The study will provide data that will inform clinical practice and guide service providers involved in the organisation of maternity services.

Funding Amount $AUD 604,527.96

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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