
A case control study of risk factors for aggressive prostate cancer [ 2010 - 2014 ]

Also known as: Risk factors for aggressive prostate cancer

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Graham Giles (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Jeremy Millar Dr Geza Benke Dr Gianluca Severi Prof Damien Bolton
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Brief description Although most prostate cancers are not fatal, some develop into an aggressive form that is likely to progress and kill. How this happens and how to prevent these cancers, is not well understood. The study will examine the lives of men with aggressive prostate cancer, from the time of conception to adulthood, their family history and genetic characteristics to identify the role of life patterns and genes in the development of these cancers, seeking a basis for their prevention .

Funding Amount $AUD 1,592,353.17

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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