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Soil testing for N, P, K and S is a key strategy for monitoring soil fertility of cropping soils as well as for refining fertiliser application strategies for future crops. For this to be successful, the relationship between the soil test and likely response to applied nutrients needs to be well calibrated. Many of these calibrations were developed from fertiliser trials conducted over 20 years ago and have provided robust guidelines on many soil types, but mostly for cereals. Since these trials were conducted cropping systems have changed significantly and altered the face of soil fertility in the Australian grains industry. A detailed re-examination of those existing guidelines is needed to ensure they are still relevant in current farming systems.As part of the GRDC funded MPCN2 (More Profit from Crop Nutrition) program, a review of data in the Better Fertilizer Decisions for Cropping (BFDC) database showed gaps exist for key crops, soils and regions. Most of these gaps relate to crops that are (i) new to cropping regions or are a low proportion of cropped area, i.e. break crops, (ii) emerging nutrient constraints that had previously been adequate in specific soil types and (iii) issues associated with changing nutrient profile distribution. This project (UQ00082) is closing gaps in the BFDC database using replicated trials. Trials have been established on sites selected for nutrient responses and run over multiple years to develop soil test-crop response relationships. By using wheat as a benchmark alongside a break crop, we should be able to extend the relevance of the guidelines beyond the conditions at the trial site.
Created: 2019
Issued: 18 05 2023
Data time period: 2019 to 2019
Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences |
Crop and Pasture Production |
Canola |
Cereal (Grain) |
Crop Type |
Oilseed |
Wheat |
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