Brief description
The dataset comprises 1007 individuals from 69 species of fishes, sharks, rays and sea snakes observed at around Inshore Shoals : Halifax Bay using 9 baited remote underwater video stations (BRUVS(TM)). 88 images were captured from these cameras. Approximately 3500 of the best images from all BRUVS (TM) projects are stored in a reference library. Data recorded concern: - classification of the habitat in the field of view (topography, sediments, benthos) - the identity of fish and CAABCODES - their time of arrival - their behaviour (8 categories, including feeding on the bait) - their maturity (adult or juvenile) - their relative abundance (as MaxN = the maximum number visible at one time, or distinguishable at different times as separate individuals e.g. much larger/smaller, male/female) - the time elapsed before MaxN and feeding occurs. A custom interface has been developed by AIMS staff, using Microsoft Access, for reading and analysis of BRUVS(TM) tapes.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlannedModified: 09 08 2024
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