Brief description
The download file contains files (Broke 1, Broke 2 and Broke 3) in three formats resulting from the scanning of three plots of BROKE transects with annotations about krill aggregation. The tiff is the primary file from the scanning. The jpeg and pdf were created from the tiff for quick viewing. The numbered points on the plots are trawl locations. The annotations include information about krill aggregation from the echosounder and also information from the trawls. The data contributed to the two papers listed in the references section. BROKE was a marine science cruise conducted by the Aurora Australis during the 1995-1996 season (voyage 4).Issued: 2014-01-28
Data time period: 1996-01-19 to 1996-03-31
text: northlimit=-63.0; southlimit=-66.5; westlimit=80.0; eastLimit=150.0; projection=WGS84
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- URI :
- Local : BROKE_Krill_Scans
- DOI : 10.4225/15/59B9FE9C54522
- global : 980e6588-5d58-43a0-b2fc-89e6ab50c047