
Bone marrow macrophages: “Resident Evil” in the establishment and progression of multiple myeloma [ 2018 - ]

Also known as: 5012296

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Andrew Zannettino (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Jacqueline Noll Dr Peter Psaltis Prof Peter Croucher

Brief description Multiple myeloma (MM) is a cancer that develops within the bone marrow (BM). To date, which cells of the BM stroma are required for the support of MM growth remains unknown. Our preliminary data suggest BM resident macrophages, expressing CD169 and CX3CR1, are essential for MM growth. Using innovative and elegant animal models of MM, we will define the role of these macrophages in MM growth and determine if macrophage-targeted therapies can delay MM growth in the relapsed disease setting.

Funding Amount $570,585.00

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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