Brief description
The Australian Bureau Of Meteorology (BOM) - Australian Daily Observed Rainfall datasets for the period from Jan 1910 until Aug 2005. The CSIRO archive contains the daily atmospheric variable Rainfall observational data from the 181 weather monitoring stations positioned across Australia. It is often refered to as High Quality data as it is not interpolated/reanalysed or gridded. There are 181 files with each having one stations data for the entire time period in ASCII format(approximately 1 MB) with the filename being the station ID. All stations files have been tarred into a single file for storage(approximately 160MB). There is also a reduced subset of this data available spanning the years from 1960-2000 available, 1 tarred file (containing 181 files) approximately 67 MB.Lineage
Progress Code: completed
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded
Statement: Unprocessed daily rainfall observational data files from Bureau Of Meteorology, also reduced time subset of 1960-2000 available.
CreditBOM, CSIRO Division of Marine and Atmospheric Research - Aspendale.
Tony Rafter.
Tony Rafter.
Data time period: 1910-01-01 to 2005-08-31
text: westlimit=112; southlimit=-44; eastlimit=154; northlimit=-10
Countries | Australia |
Earth Science | Atmosphere | Precipitation | Precipitation Amount |
Earth Science | Atmosphere | Precipitation | Rain |
Observational: BOM (Bureau of Meteorology) |
climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere |
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uri :
- Local : Anzlic Identifier: ANZCW0306008280
- Local : Marlin Record Number: 8280
- global : 1bcdb4a0-a3d3-4ca8-8de1-3a67e6a4b7e5