Brief description
Very little information is available on the geomorphology of areas surrounding Australian Antarctic stations. This type of information is generally collected during geological surveys. This metadata record gathers a range of descriptive geomorphological information of various nature: -Habitat surveys were conducted in the season 2004-2005 in the Mawson area in parallel with bird nest mapping (reported in metadata record SNPEMAWSON0405) in order to study selection of nest sites by a range of species. Habitat was described in the survey sites searched for bird nests following various methods (described in). Information is stored as GIS files (Arcview 3.2 or ArcGIS): -polygon shapefile gathering all the geomorphological units describing % substrate cover -A collection of digital photos showing the sites searched for bird nests, most if them indexed by grid site number. The grid sites numbers are located in a shapefile of 200*200m sites, below) -A set of Digital Elevation Models (DEM) covering the entire Mawson area generated for 5 separate regions and the derived slope, aspect, aspect to the prevailing winds, convexity raster files at a 10m resolution -200m*200m grid created from the coverage of ice-free areas (from Aerial photography) providing site boundaries and numbers for the photographic database -A series of Black and White and colour aerial Photos scanned at high resolution for the purpose of substrate study and associated 3D images. This work has been completed as part of ASAC project 2704 (ASAC_2704). The main fields in this dataset are: Date Boulderbig Bouldsmall Baresubst Morsed Scree Snowcover Permice Slope Aspect Sitedotid CommentsIssued: 2005-10-14
Data time period: 2004-12-10 to 2005-04-25
text: northlimit=-67.3; southlimit=-67.6; westlimit=62.25; eastLimit=63.5; projection=WGS84
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- URI :
- Local : HABITATMAWSON04-05
- DOI : 10.26179/5B6D13717FD4F
- global : 9903f2ff-8045-425d-a1ac-eacd0bbe3141