Full description
The aim of this project is to investigate the use of biosolids to overcome subsoil constraints in the high and low rainfall zones in Victorian grain growing regions: in brief,investigate whether subsoil physicochemical constraints that limit root growth and reduce water and nutrient-use efficiency can be overcome by using subsoil amelioration with pelletised T1C2 grade biosolids
determine whether subsoil amelioration with biosolids will have any adverse effects on plant availability of heavy metals
investigate whether microbial populations will be impacted from the application of biosolids into the subsoils
determine whether biosolids as a subsoil ameliorant can have any impacts on grain quality
Created: 2019
Issued: 03 09 2019
Data time period: 2019 to 2019
Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences |
Crop and Pasture Production |
Cereal (Grain) |
Soil amelioration Application Method |
Soil amelioration Rate |
Soil amelioration Type |
Wheat |
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