Brief description
The data set includes information relevant for the study and description of sea-ice bacteria contains the following dataset subgroups and is organised by REFERENCE number. 1) Isolation data: strain designations (e.g. culture collection names are indicated for type cultures); media used for isolation and routine cultivation; temperature used for incubation; any special conditions (e.g. enrichment conditions) used for isolation; isolation site and type (e.g. sea-ice); availability of the indicated strain from the chief investigator (J. Bowman) 2) Phenotypic data: Includes morphological, physiological and biochemical tests performed. Details on how these were performed are indicated in the relevant reference. 3) Growth/temperature data: data for temperature related growth curves are given where available. Methods are indicated in the associated reference. 4) Fatty acid/chemotaxonomy data: fatty acid and other related data are given where available. Methods are indicated in the associated reference. 5) Genotypic data: data for DNA-guanosine/cytosine-content and genomic DNA:DNA hybridization are shown where available. Methods are indicated in the associated reference. 6) Phylogenetic data: data for sequences are cross-referenced to the GenBank database. In some cases, aligned sequence datasets are available in FASTA format and can be viewed in the programs BIOEDIT ( or CLUSTAL W ( 7) Other related published references which are useful or relevant to the dataset e.g. related sequences published subsequent to the ASAC studyLineage
Progress Code: completedData time period: 1996-07-01 to 1999-06-30
text: westlimit=70; southlimit=-68; eastlimit=80; northlimit=-65
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- global : ASAC_1012