Brief description
Temperature, salinity, oxygen, silicate, phosphate, and nitrate, linearly interpolated from 1/8 degree spaced "high resolution" CARS2000 mean and seasonal fields to a 0.1 degree spaced grid. Values obtained for seafloor by vertical linear interpolation, which is possible because CARS2000 is mapped to one depth level below seafloor by least squares quadratic filter projection of horizontally and vertically adjacent data points. The loess filter used to create CARS2000 resolves at each point a mean value and a sinusoid with 1 year period (and in some cases a 6 month period sinusoid - the "semi-annual cycle".) contains only mean values and not seasonal values as CARS do not resolve seasonal cycles below 1000m depth, and most of this region is deeper than 1000m. CARS is a set of seasonal maps of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, phosphate and silicate, generated using Loess mapping from all available oceanogrpahic data in the region. It covers the region 100-200E, 50-0S, on a 0.5 degree grid, and on 56 standard depth levels. Higher resolution versions are also available for the Australian continental shelf. The data was obtained from the World Ocean Atlas 98 and CSIRO Marine and NIWA archives. It was designed to improve on the Levitus WOA98 Atlas, in the Australian region.Lineage
Progress Code: completed
Maintenance and Update Frequency: irregular
Statement: Derived from CARS2000
Data time period: 1900 to 2000
text: westlimit=85; southlimit=-65; eastlimit=175; northlimit=5
Countries | Australia |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Chemistry | Nitrate |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Chemistry | Oxygen |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Chemistry | Phosphate |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Chemistry | Silicate |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Temperature | Water Temperature |
Earth Science | Oceans | Salinity/Density | Salinity |
Marine Features (Australia) | Australian EEZ |
oceans |
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Other Information
CSIRO Atlas of Regional Seas (CARS2000) (Documentation Link)
uri :
Marlin Record : 'Benthic Nutrients and Physical Water Properties Annual Amplitude in the Australian Region (0.025 grid)' (Documentation Link)
- Local : Anzlic Identifier: ANZCW1205000946
- Local : Marlin Record Number: 8046
- global : 77617884-b289-48ad-bf85-ef7fc2d8f061