Brief description
This dataset represents the penguin colony markers and some infrastructure on Bechervaise Island. The infrastructure includes the penguin weighbridges and the telephone relay antenna. Roger Handsworth (Australian Antarctic Data Centre) conducted a detailed survey of penguin colony markers and some infrastructure during the 1999/2000 summer using a Sokkisha EDM theodolite and prism. Two additional penguin colony markers were located by Kym Newbery (ASP Engineer) in June 2000. Distances were measured from the metal pole to three other locations (other metal poles, weighbridges) using a tape measure. Accuracy 0.03m. Dates given in temporal coverage are approximate only. The penguin colony markers were used by the Australian Antarctic Data Centre together with tape measure and compass measurements by Lisa Meyer (AAD) to determine points along the penguin colony boundaries. Some of these boundary points were nests. These data are described by the metadata record with Entry ID: gis114. The colony markers, nest locations and infrastructure were subsequently surveyed in February 2002 by Aaron Read (surveyor) with assistance from Lyn Irvine (AAD). Refer to the metadata records with Entry IDs: gis114, bech_nest_locations.Issued: 2003-03-03
Data time period: 1999-10-01 to 2000-06-30
text: northlimit=-67.5858; southlimit=-67.5879; westlimit=62.8013; eastLimit=62.8156; projection=WGS84
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- Local : gis115
- global : 6f2e6f56-a153-4067-86de-a08de092ba82