Brief description
The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Sciences and Technology (JAMSTEC) sponsored this research cruise - a circumnavigation of the Southern hemisphere using the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Hydrographic Program (WHP) lines in the southern hemisphere to celebrate the 30th anniversary of its establishment. The research cruise was named "BEAGLE 2003" (Blue EArth GLobal Expedition 2003) and was carried out on RV MIRAI. This is a subset of the Beagle 2003 data set and contains the HPLC pigment and particulate absorption coefficient data collected on leg 3, between Valparaiso, Chile and Santos, Brazil from the 20 Oct to 25 Oct 2003. The data can be used for Ocean Colour sensor validation. Parameters measured on the leg are the concentration of chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments and the absorption coefficent for particulate (a/p) components of the water column. Samples were collected at 11 stations. The data was used primarily to validate ocean colour sensors MERIS, MODIS and SeaWIFs and the SST sensor AATSR. Samples were collected and analysed for pigments and absorption coefficient, particulate.Lineage
Progress Code: completedNotes
CreditIan Barton, The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Sciences and Technology (JAMSTEC) (sponsor of research cruise)
Lesley Clementson
Data time period: 2003-10-20 to 2003-10-25
text: westlimit=-73.599999999999994; southlimit=-53.6; eastlimit=-69; northlimit=-36.2
text: uplimit=0; downlimit=0
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- Local : Anzlic Identifier: ANZCW0306014203
- Local : Marlin Record Number: 14203
- global : dbb7bf86-9ed8-0f97-e043-08114f8cc2ac