
Avian influenza: Molecular basis of potential resistance to neuraminidase inhibitors [ 2006 - 2007 ]

Also known as: Visulalising anti-flu drugs bound to avian flu as a basis for predicting the impact of viral resistance

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Michael Parker (Principal investigator)

Brief description In this project we will visualize an avian flu protein bound to various antiviral drugs that are currently in the clinic (Relenza and Tamiflu) or are in clinical development. In the immediate term, the images derived from the project will be a valuable predictive tool for evaluating the likely effectiveness of antiviral drugs and vaccines in response to emerging viral resistance. In the longer term the images could be used to guide the development of new antivirals and vaccines against avian flu. This initiative brings together Industry leaders in the development of influenza antivirals and vaccines, CSL and Biota, with a leading Medical Research Institute.

Funding Amount $AUD 87,250.00

Funding Scheme NHMRC Strategic Awards

Notes Urgent Research - Pandemic Influenza - H5N1

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