Brief description
Raw data from two autonomous phase sensitive radar (ApRES) installations on Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica. Site, Lat, Lon, Installation, Retrieval AM06_borehole, -70.228432, 71.391693, 17-Jan-2015, 03-Feb-2018 AM06_downstream, -70.225635, 71.395988, 09-Mar-2015, 03-Feb-2018 ApRES phase-sensitive radar is a low-power, light-weight instrument developed in a collaboration between BAS and University College London. It is a 200-400 MHz FMCW radar, with a 1-second chirp, run by controller. Each radar was set to produce a burst of 50 chirps every 4 hrs, and a config file with radar settings is provided with each dataset. Files: *.dat - binary files containing raw data config.ini - config file containing all radar settings used for each site Software for processing the raw data can be obtained from Dr. Keith Nicholls, British Antarctic Survey. Limited Matlab scripts are provided here to open the raw data. Command: f=fmcw_load('filename.DAT') Data structure: Variable name Unit Description Nattenuators - Number of attenuation settings used (1 or 2) Attenuator_1 dB RF Attenuator value 1 Attenuator_2 dB RF Attenuator value 2 ChirpsInBurst - Number of chirps in burst TimeStamp day Time of first chirp (Matlab date format) Temperature_1 C Instrument temperature 1 Temperature_2 C Instrument temperature 2 BatteryVoltage V Battery voltage Burst - Number of burst in file FileFormat - Identifies file format from different equipment versions vif V Voltage chirpTime day Time of chirp (Matlab date format) filename - Filename SamplesPerChirp - Number of samples per chirp fs Hz Sampling frequency f0 Hz Start frequency K rad/s/s Chirp gradient (200MHz/s) f1 Hz Stop frequency B Hz Bandwidth fc Hz Centre frequency er - Material permittivity ci m/s Velocity in material lambdac m Centre wavelength t s Sampling time (relative to first sample) f Hz Frequency stamp for sampleIssued: 2020-12-04
Data time period: 2015-01-17 to 2018-02-03
text: northlimit=-70.22; southlimit=-70.22; westlimit=71.39; eastLimit=71.39; projection=WGS84
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- URI :
- Local : AAS_4096_AM06_ApRES
- DOI : 10.26179/6BNH-MK25
- global : 881970d2-9ba0-41b4-a673-86efed13322a