Brief description
The collection supports the compilation of national mineral resource and production statistics, and mineral prospectivity analysis. The collection includes the OZMIN database (Australian mineral deposit descriptions including geological, resource and production data); the MINLOC database (mineral occurrence locations sourced from Geoscience Australia and state and territory geological surveys); supporting GIS datasets (eg,mineral prospectivity datasets, ports, power stations); maps and reports.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded
Statement: Unknown
Issued: 2011
text: westlimit=114.0; southlimit=-42.0; eastlimit=154.0; northlimit=-11.0
DC2020 |
Earth Sciences |
Published_External |
Resource |
commodities |
geoscience |
geoscientificInformation |
marine |
mineral deposits |
minerals |
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Other Information
The Australian Atlas of Mineral Resources, Mines, and Processing Centres. Aka, 'The Mines Atlas' (Related Product)
- URI :
- global : b3dc063b-7f35-24b7-e044-00144fdd4fa6