
Australian Centre for the Moving Image [ACMI]

Public Record Office Victoria
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In March 2001 the Victorian Government announced the implementation of the key recommendations contained in the report of the Victorian Film and Television Industry Working Party and the subsequent review of the services to the industry undertaken by the Television and Film Task Force.

In November 2001 the Film Act 2001 (No 87/2001) was passed in Parliament. This Act repealed the Cinemedia Corporation Act 1997 and resulted in the administrative split of Cinemedia Corporation (VA 4119) into Film Victoria (Film Victoria II, VA 4379) and the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI). This Act came into effect on 1 January 2002.

The purposes of the Act were to:

- establish Film Victoria

- establish the Australian Centre for the Moving Image

- repeal the Cinemedia Corporation Act 1997 and to abolish Cinemedia established under that Act.

Section 46 of the Act stated that Film Victoria (Film Victoria II, VA 4379) and ACMI are the successors in law of Cinemedia Corporation (VA 4117).


The functions of ACMI were:

- to promote and exhibit the moving image

- to develop, control, manage, operate and promote ACMI

- to promote ACMI as a national centre for the creation and exhibition of the moving image

- to establish, maintain, conserve, develop, promote and exhibit the collection of moving images

- to promote public education and discussion with reference to the moving image

- to develop and create exhibitions of the moving image

- to develop and create materials for educational or other programs conducted by ACMI

- to conduct research and development in relation to the moving image

- to develop relationships to promote public education in relation to the moving image
(Section 23 of the Film Act 2001).

ACMI was subject to the direction and control of the Minister for the Arts.

As at 2002, ACMI included the following divisions and business units:

Creative Development
- Curatorial
- Web
- Production

Program Development
- Collections Managemnent
- Public Programs
- Marketing
- Visitors Services

- Facilities
- IT

Corporate Services
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Executive Services
- Administration

Data time period: [2002 TO 3000]

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