
Australian Centre for Complex Systems (ACCS) [ 2003-01-01 - 2009-06-30 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: David Green (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Peter Adams (Chief Investigator) ,  Emeritus Professor Ian Hayes (Chief Investigator) ,  Heinrich (Heinz) Wilhelm Schmidt (Chief Investigator) ,  Hussein Abbass (Chief Investigator)
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Brief description ARC Centre for Complex Systems. The Australian Centre for Complex Systems brings together leading researchers from several disciplines and institutions to conduct research on questions fundamental to understanding and managing complex systems. Its core research program, based on the theme of computation in and by networks of agents, has two interwoven strands. The science strand addresses questions about emergent properties, natural computation, and nonlinear dynamics. The engineering strand addresses issues about methodology, modelling toolkits, and management and control. Practical applications are advanced via collaborative projects that address key issues in biology, environment, and socio-economics.

Funding Amount $5,208,295

Funding Scheme ARC Centres of Excellence

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