Brief description
The Australian Cancer Database (ACD) contains all new cases of cancer in Australia since 1 January 1982, (excluding basal cell carcinoma and sqamous cell carcinoma of the skin). All Australian states and teritories have legislation requiring mandatory reporting of new cases of cancer to jurisdictional cancer registries, who supply the data annually to AIHW. The main purposes of the ACD are: - to be the national cancer database and the source of national cancer statistics published by AIHW; - to identify duplicates and advise the state and territory cancer registries of these; - to work with the state and territory cancer registries to standardise collection of cancer data and classification.Full description
The collection was established in 1985 by the then Australian Institute of Health (AIH) in collaboration with the Australasian Association of Cancer Registries (AACR). Data are published jointly each year in "Cancer in Australia" by the AIHW and AACR. The latest reports are on the AIHW web-site.Notes
Collection Methodology: Official DataData time period: 1982-01-01 to 2007-12-31
text: National