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OPEN Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence View details


Rights Statement

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence

Rights Statement


Rights Statement


Rights Statement


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence

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Brief description

This service presents the outgoing data services from the AusSeabed Coordination Tool. The Coordination tool provides two data services, the Upcoming Survey information layer and the National Priorities information layer. Upcoming Survey Layer This layer presents the extents of planned surveys that will be undertaken in the coming years within the Australian maritime region. The purpose of this web service is to broadcast information about upcoming voyages with the intent of boosting collaboration and decreasing data collection costs so that travel time is diminished while data collection increases. This web service is delivered via the AusSeabed Survey Planning tool, with its content maintained in real time by the custodian organisations listed. The service is currently listed as beta to reflect the roll out of the survey planning tool to the public. National Priorities Layer This layer presents areas that have been outlined as being of priority to the submitting agencies. These agencies have prioritised data acquisition that was identified as important for: safe navigation, environmental baseline assessment, resource competition and baseline data, and urgently required to support policy and government decisions were given priority. Agencies then ranked their priority areas 1 – very high/high (red), 2 – moderate (blue), and 3 – low (green), based on the need for the data and the impact of the data.


Statement: The service is the production ready WMS providing the upcoming survey information form the AusSeabed Survey Coordination tool.

154,-9 154,-44 112,-44 112,-9 154,-9


text: westlimit=112.00; southlimit=-44.00; eastlimit=154.00; northlimit=-9.00


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AusSeabed Survey Coordination Tool WMS

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