Brief description
The AusSeabed Bathymetry Compilations Coverage Database contains polygon extents of bathymetry data acquisitions along with identifying attributes and contact details where the data is not held by Geoscience Australia. It is an important scientific resource that identifies data spanning coastal, continental shelf and deep sea locations.
This dataset is live and will continue to be augmented as coverage details are supplied from AusSeabed collaborators who wish to share their knowledge of data availability to the broader marine community. The database is updated regularly and is made available via the AusSeabed Marine Data Portal using OGC compliant web services. Compilations have been generated from one or more Survey/Data Acquisitions by a wide range of organisations and countries, both inside and outside Australia's marine jurisdiction, using multiple systems and for various applications. Compilation coverages are published where the polygon extents intersects with Australia's marine jurisdiction, including the Australian Antarctic Territory. Each polygon in the layer contains metadata describing compilation details.
Note that polygons may not be representative of the true survey extent due to the data gridding process.
Please contact us at if you wish to contribute coverage information to the database.
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded
Data is collated from AusSeabed Contributing Hubs, AusSeabed Data Providers, the Geoscience Australia processing and publication pipeline and from collaborators who wish to increase the knowledge of marine data availability to the broader marine community.
Data is often received as GeoTIFFs, Shapefile extents and metadata. The extents are compiled, cleaned, simplified and validated using ESRI and OGC geometry tools along with key identifiying metadata attributes. As a minimum the following attributes are collated.
Column Name Data Type Nullable Comments
OGC_ID NUMBER No Unique ID, to ensure successful registration of a web service
NEWGAID VARCHAR2(30 CHAR) Yes The GAID allocated to GA owned Compilations
TITLE VARCHAR2(254 CHAR) Yes The title/name of the Compilation
GEOM SDO_GEOMETRY Yes The geometry/shape used to define the spatial extents of the compilation
YEAR NUMBER Yes The year the compilation was created
RESOLUTION VARCHAR2(254 CHAR) Yes The individual resolution in metres
SUMMARY VARCHAR2(254 CHAR) Yes A brief summary or decription of the compilation
START_DATE DATE Yes The earliest start_date of all the underlying source survey/acquisitions
END_DATE DATE Yes The last end of all the underlying source survey/acquisitions
ECAT_ID NUMBER Yes The Geoscience Australia Product Catalogue Identifier (from eCat)
ACCESS_URL VARCHAR2(254 CHAR) Yes The persistent metadata identfier for discovery and access of the compilation
AREA_KM2 NUMBER(12,2) Yes Area of Compilation in square kilomteres
To collate the knowledge of data generated and available for Australia's marine jurisdiction