Brief description
The Australian Bathymetry and Topography (AusBathyTopo) Torres Strait dataset contains depth and elevation data compiled from all available data within the Torres Strait into a 30 m-resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The Torres Strait lies at the northern end of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), the largest coral reef ecosystem on Earth, and straddles the Arafura Sea to the west and the Coral Sea to the east. The Torres Strait area is bounded by Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Bathymetry mapping of this extensive reef and shoal system is vital for the protection of the Torres Strait allowing for the safe navigation of shipping and improved environmental management. Over past ten years, deep-water multibeam surveys have revealed the highly complex continental slope canyons in deeper Coral Sea waters. Shallow-water multibeam surveys conducted by the US-funded Source-to-Sink program revealed the extensive Fly River delta deposits. Airborne LiDAR bathymetry acquired by the Australian Hydrographic Office cover most of the Torres Strait and GBR reefs, with coverage gaps supplemented by satellite derived bathymetry. The Geoscience Australia-developed National Intertidal DIgital Elevation Model (NIDEM) improves the source data gap along Australia’s vast intertidal zone. We acknowledge the use of the CSIRO Marine National Facility ( ) in undertaking this research.” The datasets used were collected by the Marine National Facility on 13 voyages (see Lineage for identification). All source bathymetry data were extensively edited as point clouds to remove noise, given a consistent WGS84 horizontal datum, and where possible, an approximate MSL vertical datum. The 30 m-resolution grid is a fundamental dataset to underpin marine habitat mapping, and can be used to accurately simulate water mixing within a whole-of-GBR scale hydrodynamic model. This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededFILE: ts30_29sep
PROJECTION: Geographic Latitude/Longitude
SCALE: 0.0003*0.0003 arc-degree (about 30 m) grid cells
AVAILABLE DATA FORMATS: floating point geotiff
Spatial Extent:
ESRI raster Top : -8.00003888891
ESRI raster Left : 138.999983697
ESRI raster Right : 145.999883697
ESRI raster Bottom: -13.0001388889
ESRI raster Columns: 23333
ESRI raster Rows : 16667
ESRI raster Cell Size X, Y: 0.0003, 0.0003
Cell-registered, showing coordinates for edge of cells
Vertical extent:
VERTICAL DATUM: approximates mean sea level (MSL)
Data limitations:
AUSTRALIAN HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE NOTICE: Not to be used for navigation. This ts30 DEM product incorporates source bathymetry data reproduced under licence by permission of the Australian Hydrographic Office © Commonwealth of Australia 2009-2023.
GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA NOTICE: This ts30 DEM product incorporates data which are © Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia). The Commonwealth gives no warranty regarding the data's accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability for any particular purpose.
This dataset has been compiled from a wide range of data sources of varying resolution and accuracy
Credits and funding:
CSIRO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We acknowledge the use of the CSIRO Marine National Facility ( ) in undertaking this research.” The 13 datasets used were collected by the Marine National Facility on voyages:
• SS2006_T01; SS2008_V09; SS2013_T03; SS2012_T07;
• IN2017_T01; IN2019_E01; IN2019_E01; IN2019_T02; IN2019_T02; IN2021_T01; IN2021_T01; IN2022_T01; IN2022_T01
Sheriden Morris (Reef & Rainforest Research Centre)
Phillippa Bricher (Australian Hydrographic Office)
Anne Worden (Australian Hydrographic Office)
Michael Andrew (Australian Hydrographic Office)
Nigel Townsend (Australian Hydrographic Office)
Mark Alcock (Geoscience Australia)
Duncan Moore (Geoscience Australia)
Kim Picard (Geoscience Australia)
Aero Leplastrier (Geoscience Australia)
Scott Nichol (Geoscience Australia)
Justy Siwabessy (Geoscience Australia)
Michele Spinoccia (Geoscience Australia)
Michal Wenderlich (Geoscience Australia)
Emma Hickerson (Geoscience Australia)
Natalie Lennard (Geoscience Australia)
Emma Johnson (Geoscience Australia)
Cisco Navidad (CSIRO)
Amy Nau (CSIRO)
Please see the Datasources_ts30_DEM_V1 sheet in the downloads section for more information on contributing surveys noting that a considerable portion of the data for this project came from the AHO and will not be individually identified.
Queensland Government Smart Futures Fellowship
Reef and Rainforest Research Centre
James Cook University
Geoscience Australia
National Environmental Science Program
Qld Dept of Environment and Heritage Protection
Resource Constraints and licensing:
COPYRIGHT: The content on this website is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence:
ATTRIBUTION: “Australian Hydrographic Office, Geoscience Australia”
Going forward it is intended that this resource will be updated intermittently when resources allow and as new foundational data becomes available.
PurposeNot to be used for navigational purposes. This project aimed to develop a new high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) for the Torres Strait at a grid pixel resolution of 0.0003-arc degree (about 30 m). A high-resolution DEM is a critical 3D dataset required to accurately simulate water mixing and current flow within a whole-of-GBR scale hydrodynamic model. In addition, a new grid is required to improve the geomorphic detail about the location and spatial extent of seabed features for the Torres Strait, Arafura Sea and Coral Sea region. The new grid utilised the latest data sourced from ship-based multibeam and singlebeam echosounder surveys, airborne LiDAR bathymetry surveys, and satellite derived bathymetry data. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia
Created: 07 02 2020
Issued: 23 10 2023
Data time period: 1996-04-19 to 2022-09-10
text: westlimit=139.00; southlimit=-13.00; eastlimit=146.00; northlimit=-8.00
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Australian Bathymetry Topography (Torres Strait) 2023 30m (zip) [1.43 GB]
- DOI : 10.26186/144348
- URI :
- global : 9091996a-0173-4dba-b734-1b921d1bbe2d