Brief description
This dataset contains the data from Voyage 6 (FISHOG) 1991-92 of the Aurora Australis. The observations were taken from the Heard Island area in January and February 1992. The data contains temperature and salinity data from a CTD survey and the results from demersal fish trawl surveys. The major species were Dissostichjus eleginoides, Channichthys rhinoceratus, Channichthys gunnari, Lepidonotothen squamifrons, Gymnoscopelus nicholsi and Paradiplospinus gracilis. This is a subset of the data for the whole voyage. The objectives of the fish program were: to assess the distribution and abundance of demersal fish on the shelf in the AFZ around Heard Island; to investigate the biology of the more important species. A Microsoft Access database containing data from this cruise, plus several others is available for download from the provided URL. The Entry ID's of the other metadata records also related to this data are: AADC-00038 AADC-00068 AADC-00073 AADC-00075 AADC-00080 AADC-00082 c88_data The fields in this dataset are: Cruises Date Location Latitude Longitude Species Gear Length Weight Sex Gonad Eye Otolith Stomach Lifestage FamilyLineage
Progress Code: completedData time period: 1992-01-23 to 1992-02-13
text: westlimit=71.0; southlimit=-54.0; eastlimit=77.0; northlimit=-51.0
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