Brief description
This dataset contains CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) data obtained from the Krill and Rock (KROCK) 92/93 cruise of the Aurora Australis, during Jan - Mar 1993. 62 CTD casts were taken in the Prydz Bay region, as a supplement to the krill and geology research program. Casts were made about 200 m except for one off the shelf. This dataset is a subset of the whole cruise data. The fields in this dataset are: Pressure Temperature Sigma-T Salinity Geopotential Anomaly Specific volume Anomaly samples deviation conductionLineage
Progress Code: completedData time period: 1993-01-24 to 1993-02-26
text: westlimit=60; southlimit=-68.5; eastlimit=80; northlimit=-65
text: uplimit=3556; downlimit=0
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- global : KROCK_Ocean