
Atmospheric aerosol composition measurements from the RV Investigator voyage IN2021_V01 (CAPRIX)

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Mynard, Caleb ; Humphries, Ruhi ; Dunne, Erin ; Keywood, Melita ; Taylor, Sally ; Harnwell, James
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=info:doi10.25919/5nvm-dz22&rft.title=Atmospheric aerosol composition measurements from the RV Investigator voyage IN2021_V01 (CAPRIX)&rft.identifier=10.25919/5nvm-dz22&rft.publisher=Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)&rft.description=This data collection contains aerosol measurements taken aboard the voyage IN2021_V01 as part of the Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Radiation Interactions eXperiment (CAPRIX, Australian Antarctic Division). This voyage, spanning January - March 2021, departed Hobart and travelled over the Southern Ocean, extending a latitude of 68.0025°S to 42.8864°S and longitude of 54.9051°E to 147.3803°E. Data includes offline filter analysis and online aerosol chemical composition.These data were collected aboard the RV Investigator during IN2021_V01. Specific instrumental parameters and sampling techniques are included in the metadata files associated with each data file.&rft.creator=Mynard, Caleb &rft.creator=Humphries, Ruhi &rft.creator=Dunne, Erin &rft.creator=Keywood, Melita &rft.creator=Taylor, Sally &rft.creator=Harnwell, James &; southlimit=-68.0025; westlimit=54.9035; eastLimit=147.5539; projection=WGS84&rft_rights=All Rights (including copyright) CSIRO 2022.&rft_rights=Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial aerosols&rft_subject=aerosols&rft_subject=marine aerosols&rft_subject=southern ocean&rft_subject=equator&rft_subject=atmospheric science&rft_subject=Atmospheric composition, chemistry and processes&rft_subject=Atmospheric sciences&rft_subject=EARTH SCIENCES&rft_subject=Atmospheric aerosols&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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All Rights (including copyright) CSIRO 2022.


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Brief description

This data collection contains aerosol measurements taken aboard the voyage IN2021_V01 as part of the Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Radiation Interactions eXperiment (CAPRIX, Australian Antarctic Division). This voyage, spanning January - March 2021, departed Hobart and travelled over the Southern Ocean, extending a latitude of 68.0025°S to 42.8864°S and longitude of 54.9051°E to 147.3803°E. Data includes offline filter analysis and online aerosol chemical composition.


These data were collected aboard the RV Investigator during IN2021_V01. Specific instrumental parameters and sampling techniques are included in the metadata files associated with each data file.

Data time period: 2021-01-29 to 2021-03-24

This dataset is part of a larger collection

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147.5539,-42.8863 147.5539,-68.0025 54.9035,-68.0025 54.9035,-42.8863 147.5539,-42.8863



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