Full description
The overall objective is to determine the influence of strobilurin fungicide application on the nitrogen requirement for malting barley.Within this overall objective there are a number of component objectives that are interrelated
To assess the impact of strobilurin fungicide over and above conventional triazole fungicides on nitrogen requirement for malting barley, in effect to quantify any interaction between disease management and applied nitrogen.
To measure the effect of disease management using strobilurins on the yield and quality of winter wheat malting barley.
To calculate the cost-effectiveness of strobilurin and applied nitrogen in relation to grain quality.
Created: 2005
Issued: 10 09 2014
Data time period: 2005 to 2005
Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences |
Barley |
Crop and Pasture Production |
Cereal (Grain) |
Fertiliser Rate |
Fertiliser Timing |
Fungicide Timing |
Fungicide Type |
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