Full description
1. 38.5-51, Peter Milne -- 2. 51-65, Gardens -- 3. 66-107, Christianization -- 4. 107-142.5 Tavim̃asoe autobiography -- 5. 142.5-197, U.S. Military in N.H. -- 6. 197-255, Two Chiefs -- 7. 255-313, Manulapa -- 8. 313-400, Manuai -- 9. 400-03, Tavim̃asoe Travels -- 10. 3-23.5, Languages -- 11. 23.5-41, Spirit Paths -- 12. 41-64, Descent Line -- 13. 64-76, Co-op Store -- 14. 76-112, Wedding -- 15. 112-152, History-Milne -- 16. 152-190, Mataari lagi -- 16. 190-244, Lakolako -- 18. 244-283, Fishing -- 19. 283-345, Foods -- 20. 345-390, Marriage arrangements -- 21. 390-490, History || SIDE A: 0) 00:00-05:32 | 1) 05:33-07:10 | 2) 07:11-09:10 | 3) 9:11-14:22 | 4) 14:22-18:35 | 5) 18:35-24:34 | 6) 24:35-30:34 | 7) 30:35-35:50 | 8) 35:51-42:46-end || SIDE B: 9) 00:00-00:35 | 10) 00:36-03:23 | 11) 03:24-05:45 | 12) 05:56-08:51 | 13) 08:52-10:25 | 14) 10:26-15:00 | 15) 15:01-19:43 | 16) 19:44-21:12 | SONG) 21:13-23:49 | 17) 23:50-29:29 | 18) 29:30-33:10 | 19) 33:11-38:31 20) 38:32- 41:57 21) 41:58-end ||| SIDE A includes "Nguna Texts": 3, 13, 30, 31 | SIDE B includes "Nguna Texts": 1, 15, 24, 28, 29 . Language as given: Nguna Reuse Information
Created: 1966-06-01
Data time period: 1966 to ,
ISO3166: VU
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- URI : catalog.paradisec.org.au/repository/AS1/001
- Local : AS1-001
- DOI : 10.4225/72/56ED6C206E4BF