Full description
This dataset contains comprehensive logs, comprising 982,182 records of music presented on three platforms:
- ABC Classic FM radio broadcasts (1996-2018)
- Concert events catalogued by the Australian Music Centre (2009-2018)
- Classical genre Spotify playlists entries (Jan - May 2018)
The raw data has been harvested, transformed and classified at the level of the individual composer whose music was featured in each discrete broadcast or presentation. This includes details on the following composer attributes:
- Name
- Year of birth
- Gender
- Place of activity (including state, country and continent)
- Spotify artist identifier
- Spotify popularity score (as of August 2017)
- iTunes artist identifier
Each discrete content item includes details on:
- The context in which the item was featured (e.g. the radio program, concert program, or Spotify playlist)
- The sequential order in which it was presented
- The date and time of presentation
- The duration of the item
The concert data also includes the following information on each of the performers:
- Name
- Gender
- Year of birth
- Size of the performing ensemble
- Repertoire focus of the performing ensemble
Further information is available via the ReadMe document available via the GitHub repository (and attached to this record).
Created: 2020-04-14
Data time period: 1996 to 31 05 2018
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- DOI : 10.26183/EAFQ-SJ64
- Local : research-data.westernsydney.edu.au/published/009e0b50519411ecb15399911543e199