Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= Data&rft.identifier=Anzlic Identifier: ANZCW0306006963&rft.publisher=Australian Ocean Data Network&rft.description=Argo is an international collaboration that collects high-quality temperature and salinity profiles from the upper 2000m of the ice-free global ocean and currents from intermediate depths. The data comes from more than 3000 battery-powered autonomous floats that spend most of their life drifting at depth covering most of the world oceans. At typically 10-day intervals, the floats rise to the surface over about 6 hours while measuring temperature and salinity. Satellites determine the position of the floats when they surface, and receive the data transmitted by the floats. The float then returns to its original density and sinks to drift until the cycle is repeated. Floats are designed to make about 150 such cycles. Argo Australia provides real-time observations of the oceans around Australia by maintaining an array of autonomous profiling floats. Data and information regarding Argo Australia and the International Argo program can be found at the Argo Australia web page (see data link below). CMAR holds a mirror of the data from the US Argo server for internal project access, this is regularly updated. (see data link below).Progress Code: onGoingMaintenance and Update Frequency: dailyStatement: Australian Argo Data data transmissions are decoded and quality controlled in near real-time and the data sent to Global Data Centres (GDACs) within 24 hours. Final delayed mode quality control is carried out some months later, under the direction of the lead scientist, to provide the highest possible quality data to the community.&rft.creator=Anonymous&; southlimit=-90; eastlimit=180; northlimit=90&rft.coverage=westlimit=-180; southlimit=-90; eastlimit=180; northlimit=90&rft.coverage=uplimit=0; downlimit=-2000&rft.coverage=uplimit=0; downlimit=-2000&rft_rights=ARGO Data (Temperature and Salinity profiles) are freely available without any restriction. Please support ARGO by acknowledging your use of ARGO data with the following words: These data were collected and made freely available by the International ARGO project and the national initiatives that contribute to it. ( ARGO is a pilot programme of the Global Ocean Observing System.&rft_subject=oceans&rft_subject=Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Circulation | Buoy Position&rft_subject=Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Circulation | Ocean Currents&rft_subject=Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Circulation | Ocean Mixed Layer&rft_subject=Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Circulation | Thermohaline Circulation&rft_subject=Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Circulation | Water Masses&rft_subject=Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Pressure | Water Pressure&rft_subject=Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Temperature | Thermocline&rft_subject=Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Temperature | Water Temperature&rft_subject=Earth Science | Oceans | Salinity/Density | Salinity&rft_subject=CTDs (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth Profilers)&rft_subject=Drifting Data Buoys&rft_subject=T/S (Temperature-Salinity) Profilers&rft_subject=Global / Oceans | World&rft_subject=ARGO Australia&rft_subject=Broad-Scale Global Array of Temperature/Salinity Profiling Floats&rft_subject=Practical salinity of the water body&rft_subject=Temperature of the water body&rft_subject=Pressure (measured variable) in the water body exerted by overlying sea water and any medium above it&rft_subject=Pressure (measured variable) in the water body exerted by overlying sea water only&rft_subject=CTD&rft_subject=research vessel&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

Licence & Rights:

view details

ARGO Data (Temperature and Salinity profiles) are freely available without any restriction. Please support ARGO by acknowledging your use of ARGO data with the following words: "These data were collected and made freely available by the International ARGO project and the national initiatives that contribute to it. ( ARGO is a pilot programme of the Global Ocean Observing System."



Brief description

Argo is an international collaboration that collects high-quality temperature and salinity profiles from the upper 2000m of the ice-free global ocean and currents from intermediate depths. The data comes from more than 3000 battery-powered autonomous floats that spend most of their life drifting at depth covering most of the world oceans. At typically 10-day intervals, the floats rise to the surface over about 6 hours while measuring temperature and salinity. Satellites determine the position of the floats when they surface, and receive the data transmitted by the floats. The float then returns to its original density and sinks to drift until the cycle is repeated. Floats are designed to make about 150 such cycles. Argo Australia provides real-time observations of the oceans around Australia by maintaining an array of autonomous profiling floats. Data and information regarding Argo Australia and the International Argo program can be found at the Argo Australia web page (see data link below). CMAR holds a mirror of the data from the US Argo server for internal project access, this is regularly updated. (see data link below).


Progress Code: onGoing
Maintenance and Update Frequency: daily
Statement: Australian Argo Data data transmissions are decoded and quality controlled in near real-time and the data sent to Global Data Centres (GDACs) within 24 hours. Final "delayed mode" quality control is carried out some months later, under the direction of the lead scientist, to provide the highest possible quality data to the community.


IMOS, Royal Australian Navy and Bureau of Meterology
Global Data: Coriolis and USGODAE.

Data time period: 1999

This dataset is part of a larger collection

180,86 180,-86 0,-86 -180,-86 -180,86 0,86 180,86


text: westlimit=-180; southlimit=-90; eastlimit=180; northlimit=90

text: uplimit=0; downlimit=-2000

Other Information
ARGO Australia (Data Link)

uri :

ARGO Data access via IMOS (Data Link)

uri :

Access to Argo Metadata for O&A Users Only (Data Link)

uri :

  • Local : Anzlic Identifier: ANZCW0306006963
  • Local : Marlin Record Number: 6963
  • global : bc1b3741-e055-5039-e044-00144f7bc0f4