
ARC Future Fellowships - Grant ID: FT130100037 [ 2014-06-30 - 2022-05-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Bowie, Andrew (Future Fellowship ) ,  Bowie, Andrew R. (Future Fellowship ) ,  Bowie, Andrew R. (Future Fellowship ) ,  Bowie, Andrew, Dr (Future Fellowship ) ,  Bowie, Andrew, Dr (Future Fellowship )

Brief description Natural iron fertilisation of oceans around Australia: linking terrestrial dust, marine biogeochemistry and climate. Oceans play a vital role in Earth’s climate through the control of atmospheric carbon dioxide. An important component of this system is the iron cycle, in which iron-rich dust is transported from the land via atmosphere to ocean; iron is a key micronutrient for marine phytoplankton, the scarcity of which limits essential biogeochemical processes and ocean fertility. This project will conduct an integrated oceanographic and atmospheric observational program for trace elements in the oceans around Australia. This will provide the critical information on iron supplied from atmospheric dust for ocean productivity and marine ecosystem health, providing the science for predicting a key factor in the future impact of the oceans on climate.

Funding Amount $869,625

Funding Scheme ARC Future Fellowships

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