
ARC Centres of Excellence - Grant ID: CE140100027 [ 2014-01-01 - 2020-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Prof Michele Haynes (Chief Investigator) ,  David Lawrence (Chief Investigator) ,  Deborah Cobb-Clark (Chief Investigator) ,  Matthew Sanders (Chief Investigator) ,  Prof Colm Harmon (Chief Investigator)
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Brief description ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course. New solutions are needed to underpin the Australian social ideal of a fair go, and to drive future global economic productivity. The Australian Productivity Commission identifies deep and persistent disadvantage as a significant problem in Australia given the failure of growing national prosperity over the past two decades to benefit underprivileged Australians. Social disadvantage is a global challenge. This Centre will advance basic, applied and translational research to reduce intergenerational and long-term disadvantage. Through the maturation of longitudinal datasets and advanced data integration we can follow the journeys of Australian families over generations and across the life course. This data will provide evidence for new policies and make a real difference to the lives of children and families.

Funding Amount $20,000,000

Funding Scheme ARC Centres of Excellence

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