
Application of Sutureless Technology 'SurgiLux' for Dura Mater Repair: A Proof of Concept Study [ 2010 - 2011 ]

Also known as: Sutureless Technology for Cranial Surgery

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Pr Leslie Foster (Principal investigator) ,  Prof Marcus Stoodley

Brief description A unique technology that combines biomaterials and lasers to effectively close and seal wounds could replace sutures in delicate surgery close to the brain. Wound closure in the cranium is still reliant upon sutures or 'stitches' and these have complications; a major one being leakage of cerebro spinal fluid (CSF). The application of 'SurgiLux' technology will both close and seal these wounds quickly and easily, with significant health and economic benefits.

Funding Amount $AUD 213,125.00

Funding Scheme Development Grants

Notes Development Grant

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