
APC mutation and the initiation of colorectal cancer [ 2006 - 2008 ]

Also known as: Inducing colon cancer in organ culture

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Pr Helen Abud (Principal investigator)

Brief description Colorectal (or bowel) cancer is a major health problem in Australia. At present it is the most common cancer, approximately 1 in 21 Australians will develop the disease in his-her lifetime. The risk of bowel cancer increases with age, with the risk rising progressively and sharply from the age of 50. Current therapies for advanced colorectal cancer are not very effective. Mortality from colorectal cancer is high, being second only to lung cancer as the leading cause of cancer death in Australia. The development of colorectal cancer is affected by both genetic and environmental factors. Colorectal cancer progresses through a number of distinct pathological stages. This is thought to be the result of the progressive aquisition of mutations in genes that normally ensure a balance between cell growth and cell death. Mutations in a gene known as APC are associated with the very early stages of tumour formation in at least 80% of colorectal tumours. Our research is aimed at understanding how alterations in APC influence the behaviour and growth of colonic cells. We have developed a novel system where normal mouse colon can be maintained and grown for up to 2 weeks in a Petri dish. Alterations in the APC gene and other colon cancer genes will be introduced into the normal epithelial cell lining and the effects on the growth and behaviour of the cells in organ culture will be analysed. Our hypothesis is that changes in the APC gene affects the way cells migrate, divide and move. This work should improve our knowledge of the cellular changes that occur during tumour initiation in the bowel and aims to contribute to the design of new therapies for early intervention in colon cancer.

Funding Amount $AUD 606,267.50

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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