
Antitumour efficacy of TRAIL: an immunotherapeutic approach for the treatment of skeletal malignancies [ 2009 - 2012 ]

Also known as: Novel strategies for the treatment of bone cancer

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Andreas Evdokiou (Principal investigator) ,  Prof Andrew Zannettino Prof David Findlay Professor Andreas Evdokiou (Managed by)

Brief description The most serious clinical problem with patients with solid tumours is metastasis to bone, which leads to complications that can cause erosion of the patient's quality of life, and eventually death. TRAIL is a new cancer therapeutic that selectively kills cancer cells while sparing normal cells. The use of TRAIL agonistic antibodies that do not bind OPG and have increased serum half life offers an exciting approach for the treatment of skeletal malignancies that is non toxic and safe.

Funding Amount $AUD 459,034.73

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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