
Antigen presentation during HLA B27 associated auotimmune disease [ 2012 - 2014 ]

Also known as: The link between bacterial infection and arthritis

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Anthony Purcell (Principal investigator)

Brief description Ankylosing spondylitis is a debilitating arthritic disease, susceptibility to which is conferred by genes of the immune system, particularly HLA-B27, and following gastrointestinal infection. Using mass spectrometry we will identify bacterial peptides bound to HLA-B27 on infected cells that may trigger an autoimmune response. Defining the self peptides that remain the targets of autoimmunity will unravel the molecular and cellular mechanisms if disease and identify peptides for immunotherapy.

Funding Amount $AUD 715,365.65

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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