
Antarctica - Wilkes Land ice velocity from over_snow traverse Doppler Satellite Position data

Australian Antarctic Data Centre
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ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= - Wilkes Land ice velocity from over_snow traverse Doppler Satellite Position data&rft.identifier= Antarctic Data Centre&rft.description=Measurements of ice velocity on the surface of the ice sheet in Wilkes Land East Antarctica were made along the routes of oversnow traverses operating out of Casey (66.6 S 110 E). In general, measurements were made at a nominal spacing of 50 km. Additional measurements were made at closer spacing in some areas in order to resolve finer scale variation in the flow pattern. Three main routes were covered: two routes (east at latitude 69 S and west at latitude 68.5 S) approximately followed the line of the 2000 m elevation contour, and a third route headed south from summit of Law Dome ice cap along the line to Vostok station. All velocity data were derived from positions determined using Doppler Satellite Positioning techniques with data collected from the (US) NAVSAT systems using JMR receivers, with the doppler data processed in combination with Precise Ephemeris data supplied by the (US) DMAHTC and the DOPPLR software packages. Processing of the data were carried out by the Australian Division of National Mapping. The time interval between first and last position observations was three years for the western route, six years for the southern route, and three to five years for the eastern route. These data form part of the data collected for ASAC projects 458 (Characteristics, Dynamics and Mass Budget of the Ice Sheet in Wilkes Land) and 2224 (Glacier dynamics and mass discharge from the Antarctic ice sheet, 45 degrees -160 degrees E) - (ASAC_458, ASAC_2224). The fields in this dataset are: Station Latitude Longitude Velocity Azimuth The printouts from the recording and reduction of the doppler observations have been archived at the Australian Antarctic Division. All logbooks have been archived at the Australian Antarctic Division. Copies of the document details forms for the logbooks are available for download from the provided URL.&rft.creator=YOUNG, NEAL W &; southlimit=-74.5; westlimit=94.0; eastLimit=131.0; projection=WGS84&rft.coverage=northlimit=-68.0; southlimit=-74.5; westlimit=94.0; eastLimit=131.0; projection=WGS84&rft_rights=This data set conforms to the CCBY Attribution License ( Please follow instructions listed in the citation reference provided at when using these data.&rft_subject=geoscientificInformation&rft_subject=inlandWaters&rft_subject=ICE VELOCITY&rft_subject=EARTH SCIENCE&rft_subject=CRYOSPHERE&rft_subject=SNOW/ICE&rft_subject=ANTARCTICA&rft_subject=AZIMUTH&rft_subject=DOPPLER SATELLITE POSITION&rft_subject=IAGP&rft_subject=ICE SHEET&rft_subject=INTERNATIONAL ANTARCTIC GLACIOLOGICAL PROJECT&rft_subject=LATITUDE&rft_subject=LONGITUDE&rft_subject=STATION&rft_subject=TRAVERSE&rft_subject=VELOCITY&rft_subject=WILKES LAND&rft_subject=CONTINENT > ANTARCTICA&rft_subject=GEOGRAPHIC REGION > POLAR&rft_place=Hobart&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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This data set conforms to the CCBY Attribution License ( Please follow instructions listed in the citation reference provided at when using these data.


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Data available on request to AADC / Neal Young. The data are available for download from the provided URL.

Brief description

Measurements of ice velocity on the surface of the ice sheet in Wilkes Land East Antarctica were made along the routes of oversnow traverses operating out of Casey (66.6 S 110 E). In general, measurements were made at a nominal spacing of 50 km. Additional measurements were made at closer spacing in some areas in order to resolve finer scale variation in the flow pattern. Three main routes were covered: two routes (east at latitude 69 S and west at latitude 68.5 S) approximately followed the line of the 2000 m elevation contour, and a third route headed south from summit of Law Dome ice cap along the line to Vostok station.

All velocity data were derived from positions determined using Doppler Satellite Positioning techniques with data collected from the (US) NAVSAT systems using JMR receivers, with the doppler data processed in combination with Precise Ephemeris data supplied by the (US) DMAHTC and the DOPPLR software packages. Processing of the data were carried out by the Australian Division of National Mapping.

The time interval between first and last position observations was three years for the western route, six years for the southern route, and three to five years for the eastern route.

These data form part of the data collected for ASAC projects 458 (Characteristics, Dynamics and Mass Budget of the Ice Sheet in Wilkes Land) and 2224 (Glacier dynamics and mass discharge from the Antarctic ice sheet, 45 degrees -160 degrees E) - (ASAC_458, ASAC_2224).

The fields in this dataset are:


The printouts from the recording and reduction of the doppler observations have been archived at the Australian Antarctic Division.

All logbooks have been archived at the Australian Antarctic Division.

Copies of the document details forms for the logbooks are available for download from the provided URL.

Issued: 2005-05-31

Data time period: 1978-01-01 to 1986-12-31

This dataset is part of a larger collection

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131,-68 131,-74.5 94,-74.5 94,-68 131,-68


text: northlimit=-68.0; southlimit=-74.5; westlimit=94.0; eastLimit=131.0; projection=WGS84

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