Full description
This is the published version (v1.04) of the GIS package for Antarcitca's Sedimentary Basins Distribution and Classification. Supplement to Aitken, A. R. et al .,2023. Antarctica's sedimentary basins and their influence on ice sheet dynamics. Review of Geophysics. With the release of the published version of the GIS package, future updates to the sedimentary basin mapping can be found at https://github.com/LL-Geo/AntarcticBasins, and at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7955525. You can download individual GeoTIFF, Shapefile, and GeoJSON files. The complete DistroPackage contains all files, including styles in QGIS and ArcGIS projects.Notes
External OrganisationsSwansea University; Stanford University; British Antarctic Survey; University of Tasmania; Pennsylvania State University; Washington University; Alfred Wegener Institute - Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research; Imperial College London
Associated Persons
Bernd Kulessa (Creator); Dustin Schroeder (Creator); Tom Jordan (Creator); Joanne Whittaker (Creator); Sridhar Anandakrishnan (Creator); Eliza Dawson (Creator); Douglas Wiens (Creator); Olaf Eisen (Creator); Martin Siegert (Creator)
Bernd Kulessa (Creator); Dustin Schroeder (Creator); Tom Jordan (Creator); Joanne Whittaker (Creator); Sridhar Anandakrishnan (Creator); Eliza Dawson (Creator); Douglas Wiens (Creator); Olaf Eisen (Creator); Martin Siegert (Creator)
Issued: 2023-05-30
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- DOI : 10.5281/ZENODO.7984586
- global : 905ef6be-7900-4e30-a4c3-721e12ac25db