Full description
The dataset contains a copy of current thesis following submission, folders divided up per chapter and within these chapters the files are stored into sub folders as applicable for the thesis. Predominantly, the bulk of the data was created using MS software.Data time period: 2014 to 2017
text: Armidale, AU (Australia/Sydney)
dcmiPoint: name=Armidale, AU (Australia/Sydney); east=151.67123; north=-30.50828; projection=WGS84
Bioremediation |
Compost remediation |
Environment |
Environmental Science and Management |
Environmental Sciences |
Expanding Knowledge |
Expanding Knowledge |
Expanding Knowledge in the Environmental Sciences |
Land and Water Management |
Manufactured gas plant remediation |
PAHs |
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons |
Soil Sciences |
Strategic basic research |
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- Handle : 1959.11/22442
- DOI : 10.25952/73KZ-2845
- Local : une:1959.11/22442