
An in depth analysis of clinical and virological outcomes of 2 strategies for the antiretroviral salvage of first-line regimen virological failure for HIV-1 infection tested in an Australian-led randomised, international, multi-centre clinical trial [ 2014 - 2017 ]

Also known as: An in depth analysis of clinical and virological outcomes in the Australian led 'SECOND-LINE' randomised controlled trial

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Mark Boyd (Principal investigator)

Brief description The recently completed Australian-led SECOND-LINE trial is the first high quality study to provide reliable evidence for policy recommendations for the composition of anti-HIV drug cocktails after standard initial treatment has failed. This award will support the researcher in further refining our understanding of how to manage second-line therapy including proposals to test the use of low-cost technologies for application in resource-limited settings where the majority of people with HIV live.

Funding Amount $AUD 421,747.82

Funding Scheme Career Development Fellowships

Notes Clinical CDF

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